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Deonna Purrazzo, Rohit Raju on Defending Their Titles at Bound For Glory [Exclusive]

It’s a big fight feel! We’re just a few short weeks away from IMPACT Wrestling’s major event, Bound For Glory where current Knockout’s Champion Deonna Purrazzo and current X-Division Champion Rohit Raju both defend their titles in what seem to be their biggest challenges to date.
During this weeks episode of IMPACT Press Pass, I had the opportunity to chat with both champions about BFG and what it means to be walking in as champions.
You can read the entire transcript below, or watch the Press Pass in full here.

Joey Karni- The Angle Podcast: “How are you guys, thank you for having me on. Joey Karni here from The Angle Podcast. My first question is for Deonna. 2020 has been a whirlwind year and you’ve managed to really make the most of it. Your matches thus far in IMPACT have been hard-hitting classics, how do you plan on upping the game at BFG, especially against a high intensity opponent like Kylie?”

Deonna Purrazzo: “Yea I’m going to keep upping myself. Knowing what I’ve done the last few months in IMPACT and how to keep doing that at. Bound For Glory, I need to consistently up myself, not just in terms of my matches, but my appearance. I have some. Amazing and beautiful gear coming for Bound For Glory that I’m so excited to show everyone. I have been in the ring two to three times a week trying to get my cardio up to pare, work on some new submissions and ways to get into the arm-bar and just come into Bound For Glory at the top of my game. This is a new opponent, someone I haven’t gotten in the ring with at IMPACT thus far and it will be a first ever match at IMPACT so I’m not taking it lightly and I’m trying to be the best athlete and go into this match as the best competitor as I can so I can retain my championship.”

Joey Karni- The Angle Podcast: “Awesome. I also want to add as a fellow citizen of New Jersey, you’re making your home crowd so proud with the work you’re doing.”

Deonna Purrazzo: “Aw thank you so much.”

Joey Karni- The Angle Podcast: “My next question is for Rohit. The X-Division championship is a keystone of IMPACT Wrestling and you’re entering BFG as the Champion in a huge match with many gifted athletes. Does the history of both the title and event affect your strategy going into this match?”

Rohit Raju: “No it doesn’t affect my strategy. The history of the title and the title alone is something I’m very honored to hold. It is something I’m very honored to represent. What affects my strategy are the individuals going into this match, that are going to be in the match. Obviously everyone wants to see me get my comeuppance because of how I’ve handled my run people are upset with it or their either very entertained by it or they hate it. Whatever, regardless that doesn’t matter. What matters to me is walking in champ and walking out champ. So I have to figure out to obviously mastermind because I know I’m going to take a butt-kicking because everyone is going to want to put their hands on me and hurt me and obviously that’s probably going to happen, but the main thing is, it’s still remains for the X-Division title, so they can sit there and beat me up all they want, but then they’re going to have to go after each other because there can only be one X-Division Champion. So while they can work together and take all of their hatred out on me they’re still going to have to battle for that belt and that’s where things will start to fall apart and that’s where things will start to fall into my favor and that’s when I will take advantage and remain X-Division Champion. So yea the strategy doesn’t change because of the history of the title. The strategy changes and is affected by who’s in the match and what their plans are for me.”

Joey Karni- The Angle Podcast: Awesome. I appreciate both of your answers and good luck to you both at Bound For Glory.

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